Friday, June 6, 2008

BIG Fat let down Skin Care Products ##!!*?!

...I'm sure you've had the above thought a time or two! Well, I've found a skin care line that is absolutely incredible! I have tried so many different skin care products, like I know most of you have. I have to say I've pretty much not really been ecstatic with any of them, that is why I keep trying the so called latest and greatest anti-aging skin care 'miracle'. I usually end up feeling depression and anxiety over being let down again. To be honest, I even feel kind of taken advantage of because my face still doesn't look like the model on the product infomercial! O.K., maybe I shouldn't expect THAT, (that would be a miracle, laughs) but I have hoped and looked for a long time, to find a pure, organic skin care line that could help minimize my pores and bring out that inner youthful beauty of my skin once again.
The last skin care I tried was Brook Shield's new facial skin care products made with some rare berry from some far off country. I kept seeing the infomercial on t.v. about how Brook and her exclusive French cosmetologist (the kind few can afford to see), developed this skin care line together. Anyway, it made my face breakout like it never has and I didn't get ANY positive results. The skin care masks she sells are o.k., but really just an average clay mask. I also had to go through the headache of canceling an 'auto shipment' they had set me up on, which I did not want. (Still have the original stuff sitting on my bathroom counter.. more wasted money down the 'vanity toilet'... What's a girl (or guy) to do!!:)

Yep, it was another big fat let down, one of the worst so far...I was pretty disappointed until...
I was walking through an exclusive department store and saw the words 'organic skin care' on this one line of skin care that really caught my eye. I got some free skin and body care samples, brought them home and tried them. I have to say..."I think I've died and gone to skin care heaven." THESE PRODUCTS ARE SO GOOD, it is awesome!!

Here is the results I have had: things like getting rid of my red broken capillaries, bringing back youthful glowing skin, closing my PORES!!!!, and the profound balancing of my overall skin tone is absolutely, bar none, incredible!!! My skin is loving me and I am loving my skin. I'm happy, I just 'feel better' about myself, inside and out.

So, this is my recommendation of the week!! Bad news is the skin care line is not so cheap in the department store. Good news is, that I found these products much cheaper on the internet. I am including two links in this post to the cheapest places on the net I've found these products so far. (Look to the right on my blog and you'll see a photo of the product, 'Origins'. So, just click on this link Origins Face and body skin care here. There you will find LOTS of this product line to choose from, at WAY better prices than the department stores!!) Enjoy!

Please drop a post and let me know your experience with this product line (and others)! I feel pretty confident you'll see it in the mirror, significant visible results, in just a few days. It only gets better from there!!! My teenage son has acne and we put him on the acne organic skin care and it has really, REALLY cleared up. My skin looks healthy now! (My mom says, "I will NEVER switch, I'll NEVER be without it, this is the ONE") Now, if it were only so easy to find 'THE ONE'. Anyone have a tip for me there? :)

By the way, this face and body skin care line has pure, natural, organics for every skin type (MEN too) as well as natural mineral makeup. (For an extra treat, I recommend the 'gloomaway grapefruit body cleanser/polish', what a way to wake up. I love the smell of this product! It is all natural, and has a refreshing citrus based scent that you just can't get enough of. It's awesome).

Here is the second link I told you I would include where you can find more Origins products such as the 'gloomaway grapefruit cleanser' and many other products from this line at great pricing: Find Origins on Amazon here.
Stay tuned to The Health and Wealth Vault for valuable related tips, trends & reviews each week! Other topics of interest we will be researching and writing about include organic gardens, Christianity, business and finance 101 tips, nutrition, healthy eating, vitamins, water, weight loss, digestive system health, prestress and stress, meditation, exercise, entrepreneur, money management, travel, cancer, wellness, how to get rich, diet, drugs, fitness, foods, lifestyle, hotel and lodging savings, various investments such as mutual funds and forex, and much more!

Please share any EXCELLENT tips or documents on health and wealth related products/services you know of with me at It could be YOUR tip or article that is posted next and recommended to all our wonderful bloggers.

Wishing you the best in Health and Wealth, :)

Amanda Buckley
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Also, check out The New Health & Wealth Store on Amazon!

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